Circadian Rhythm and Its Importance

Cold Open Once upon a time, there was a guy by the name of Prakash who was infamous for his tendency to stay up late. Often, he wouldn’t go to bed until the wee hours of the morning, staying up to finish his job or watch Netflix. His loved ones would often attempt to get him to call it a […]

Ayurveda for a Healthy Skin

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medical practice that dates back thousands of years and places an emphasis on the use of natural medicines, such as herbs and minerals, to improve one’s overall health and sense of well-being. Ayurveda for healthy skin uses different kinds of therapies and rituals to help people keep their skin in good shape for as long […]

The Power of Silence: A Guide

Introduction and History There is no better power than the power of silence. In this day and age, we have forgotten how strong a tool it was for mankind. We go to medication centres nowadays or nearby resorts in Bangalore in search of some much-needed quiet. Silence has a long history as a concept, protest, way of life, and punishment. […]

What is alternative medicine and how does it help?

Introduction The term “alternative medicine” is used to describe treatments that are not generally accepted in the medical community. Herbal treatments, acupuncture, chiropractic care, homoeopathy, massage therapy, and so on might fall under this category. Alternative medicine is used by many individuals as a means of treating particular conditions and improving their health. People could choose alternative medicine over mainstream […]

23 Things to do in 2023 to stay Healthy

Starting off the new year on a healthy note is a great way to set the tone for the rest of the year. If you’re looking to make a change in your health and wellness routine, consider doing these 23 things to start 2023 on a healthy note. First things first, let’s define what we mean by “healthy.” While everyone’s […]

Reasons to Meditate in 2023

Introduction The new year is just around the corner (and so is your reason to meditate in 2023). And just like the last year and the year before, it is time to take a look at the year that we are going to say goodbye to. As we reflect on the previous year and wonder where we fit in the […]

Best Wellness Retreats in Bangalore

The desire for quiet, tranquillity, and serenity becomes increasingly pressing for working professionals as the pace of their lives continues to quicken. A vacation in some of the best wellness retreats in Bangalore is a great opportunity to de-stress, reconnect with nature and yourself, and find yourself all at once, but not just any old place will do. India is […]

What is Wellness and Why is it Important?

Nowadays, in whichever life stage you are in or industry you are serving, there is a time when you say at least once a week, “I haven’t been able to make time for myself at all.” When you haven’t been able to reach your own goal, give yourself a supportive environment that will help both your physical and mental health. […]